Ronald McDonald hus

A Cuddling in return for a donation - McHappy day Sweden and Denmark

The Ronald McDonald Houses provides living arrangements for families living with long term illnesses, helping them physically, economically, and emotionally during their health care journey.

A Ronald McDonald House program helps reduce stress and financial burden for families when they must travel far from home to access medical care for their child. 

RMHC programs help alleviate some financial burdens for families with sick children. They help families save over $930 million each year in lodging and meal costs alone. Is available in 65 countries and regions, with 685 core programs that help millions of families globally.

We are a three time proud partner of Mcdonald McHappy day in Sweden and Denmark. A Cuddling in return for a donation helped the collection reach new financial goals.

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Read more about the work of RMHC here

Donation of soft toys for children staying at RMHC Sweden.

A continuous soft toy program "buy one give one"  from the Cuddlings soft toy collection. Together with our customers we donated hundreds of soft toys to houses in Sweden. 

Together we are stronger!

**Note, the product name changed from Tröstisar to Cuddlings during 2018.

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